Workshop „Intelektuální kapitál: moderní forma investice nejen do startupů“
Pokud se chcete dozvědět něco o tom co intelektuální kapitál vlastně je a jak s ním nakládat pořádáme pravidelné workshopy: Intelektuální kapitál: moderní forma...
“Products of the mind cannot be mass-produced.”
With increasing developments and innovations in technology, many of us fear a world where robots will replace real humans. We can envision mass unemployment and minimal human interaction as machines and computer programs are better-equipped to handle the demands of modern enterprise. This prediction spells the end for some jobs, but not others. If you can relate to the ideas that ICIA stands for, you should have nothing to worry about.
Theoretical physicist Michio Kaku supports this perspective in his video where he discusses the jobs of the future. According to him, “repetitive” blue-collar jobs and “middlemen” in white-collar jobs will be eliminated from the workforce. These jobs have to do with commodities and skills that can easily be mass-produced or replaced. He cites the automobile and textile industries as well as low-level accounting and bookkeeping as the most likely victims.
The upside is that intellectual capital will become the world’s most valuable resource. For blue-collar workers, this means that “nonrepetitive” jobs like in the police and construction forces will survive. For white-collar workers, jobs requiring creativity and imagination will absolutely thrive. Kaku states that “Products of the mind cannot be mass-produced. Thus, ideas, skills and knowledge are ultimately the leading export of the U.S. economy.”
As members of ICIA, we look forward to a future where our minds can take us farther than ever before. We value opportunities to invest our own intellectual capital within projects and business ventures that follow the thinking of Michio Kaku.
Pokud se chcete dozvědět něco o tom co intelektuální kapitál vlastně je a jak s ním nakládat pořádáme pravidelné workshopy: Intelektuální kapitál: moderní forma...
V tomto tisíciletí se bude méně lidí věnovat fyzické práci a čím dál více lidí bude pracovat mozkem. To je v našich...
Datum 7. června bylo pro ICIA důležité. Podařilo se, aby se na jednom místě sešli nejen všichni oficiální členové ICIA – ti...