ICIA brings people together who want to invest their intellectual capital. Intellectual investment is investing time, know-how and energy in exchange for an interest in the company. Our members help the authors of ideas and companies with starting their business and achieving quantum leap growth.
Have you got an idea that you feel you cannot manage or finance on your own? We at ICIA believe that a good idea needs a good partner. One that will share your risks and celebrate success with you. One that will share knowledge and experience with you. One who will put heart and – if necessary – money in the project.
We are a team of experienced executives from commercial spheres across the commercial spectrum.
Marketing – Communication – Law – Business – Logistics – Patent Protection – IT Technologies – Fundraising – Design.
At a time when money is losing in value, we bring a new currency – intellectual capital. We want to place it on the level of financial capital. Our goal is to gradually establish intellectual capital as a suitable form of commercial relationship and exchange it for a share in the result of a shared project.
Vytváříme podmínky pro rozvoj principů intelektuální investice a pomáháme zkvalitnění informovanosti. Spolupracujeme s podobnými sdruženími, institucemi a universitami.
Společně tvoříme, vymýšlíme, sdílíme a pracujeme. Stavíme týmy pro běžící projekty a jsme na to lidsky i prostorově vybaveni.
Kvalita naší práce je podpořena silným realizačním zázemím. Stojí za námi mezinárodní designerské studio, renomovaná právní kancelář či fundraisingová společnost.